高待遇に惹かれ、とある会社の会長秘書という特別なオファーを受けたれいな。普段経験し得ないであろう未知の領域に、好奇心を刺激されたのだ。しかし、それは甘い期待を裏切る予想外の展開へと繋がっていた。 始まったのは、常識では計り知れない秘密の研修。「何かがおかしい…」 そう感じながらも、仕事と割り切ろうとするれいな。だが、日を追うごとに彼女の心と体は、否応なしに変化していく。
Reina was attracted by her high treatment and received a special offer as the chairman secretary of a certain company. My curiosity was stimulated by unknown territory that I would not normally experience. However, this led to an unexpected turn of events that betrayed the sweet expectations. What began was a secret training session that was immeasurable by common sense. “Something’s wrong…” Reina feels this way, but tries to accept it as a job. However, with each passing day, her mind and body inevitably change.

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