●看護師の人妻は夜勤明けに家でビールを飲み夕方まで寝るのが唯一の楽しみであった。彼女の夫が単身赴任である事を知った大家は…。爆睡して無防備な人妻のパンツを脱がし「最初に見た時からこんな事してみたかったんだ、うわぁー俺、剛毛大好きなんだよ」寝落ちしている人妻のマンコにチンポを入れてゆっくりピストンすると…「ちょっとー、大家さん何やってるんですか!」この後、強引に体中を舐められた人妻は…。●ある日息子の担任が自宅を訪ねて来た。以前から先生の事が気になっていた母親は息子不在なのにも拘わらず彼を家に上げるのだが…。「実は僕、2学期までで今の学校から転任する事になって…」欲情した先生は、奥さんを抱きしめキスをすると「先生いけません、今日はもうお帰りになってください!」「お母さんの体が見たい」「汚いですから、そんなに舐めないでー!」いきなりマンコにチンポをブチ込まれた母は、体を震わせながら大量お洩らし!。 二話収録
●A married nurse’s only pleasure was drinking beer at home after a night shift and sleeping until the evening. When her landlord found out that her husband was working away from home, he… took off the pants of the wife who was deep asleep and defenseless, saying, “I’ve wanted to do this since the first time I saw you. Wow, I love thick hair.” He inserted his dick into the sleeping wife’s pussy and started thrusting slowly… “Hey, landlord, what are you doing?” After this, the wife was forcibly licked all over her body… ●One day, her son’s homeroom teacher came to visit her home. The mother, who had been interested in the teacher for a while, invited him into her home even though her son was not there. “Actually, I’m going to be transferred from my current school at the end of the second semester…” The teacher, who was aroused, hugged his wife and kissed her, and said, “Teacher, no, please go home today!” “I want to see your body,” “It’s dirty, so don’t lick me so much!” The mother, who had suddenly had a dick thrust into her pussy, trembled and leaked a lot! . Two stories included